The one which re-defined evolution followed by the one which re-defined the term "box office success" and created the much adored - blockbuster. Two phenomenal achievements in special effects and cinematography - Jurassic Park and Jaws. I still remember watching Jaws on TV as a kid... Correction - I remember watching half the film - mostly through my fingers. It was the first film to truly terrify me and forever prohibit me from stepping into any body of water more than 1 foot deep. I saw Jaws in late 1993 on a bootleg Serbian-dubbed-over-Chinese-subbed almost black and white VHS from the local rental place. Yeah, tape quality and proprietary rights were a grey area in those days, but that is another story. Oh, all voices were dubbed by the most monotone and boring female dub artist ever. Seriously. But I remember the images no matter how pixelated and crappy they were on that scratched VHS.
Now, 17 years later, I can finally do these film justice - by seeing them on the Big Screen at my favourite cinema in London - The Prince Charles Cinema. I will be posting my review tomorrow evening after the double bill.
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